Welcome to Home Acres!

We’re so happy you’re part of the community. Below are some neighborhood resources and information to get you involved.

Join Our Email List

Sign up for emails with only the most important neighborhood updates about events, construction, or budget requests.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Directory & Neighborhood Dues

Every September, we kindly request your support through our annual dues. While these contributions are not mandatory, they serve many purposes, including:

  1. Directory Printing: Your dues fund the production and distribution of the Home Acres directory, a resource that connects neighbors and builds our sense of community.
  2. Entrance Maintenance: We maintain the welcoming flower beds at the entrances to our neighborhood. Your dues keep these areas beautiful and well-kept.
  3. Neighborhood Events: Your support also goes toward neighborhood events, fostering togetherness and cherished memories for all residents.

You’re first directory is on the house! Contact us if you’re new to the neighborhood and would like a directory. 

Board of Directors

Home Acres has a 100% volunteer based board of directors that dedicate their time and talents to maintaining the neighborhood. This includes event organization, printing directories, advertising, working with the town and more. 

We’d love to have you join the board! This is a great way to get to know your neighbors and get involved.

There are many different levels and ways you can get involved.  Please inquire here about joining the board here.

Join Home Acres On NextDoor.com

NextDoor is a great place to share important information about your neighborhood.   You can use NextDoor to share:

  • Contact information for local police and fire departments.
  • The list of neighborhood board members or other local leaders.
  • Share local business recommendations.
  • Post information about lost pets or requests for babysitters.

To join, visit: nextdoor.com/registrera/QNQBDN

Nextdoor automatically opts you in to see nearby neighborhood posts, and posts about your interests. To see only Home Acres information:

To turn off other neighborhoods updates, please follow these instructions:

  1. Go to “Settings”
  2. Go to “Nearby Neighborhoods”
  3. Click the link “Personalize your list of nearby neighborhoods”
  4. A map with all of the neighborhoods you are receiving notifications for will appear, turn off all neighborhoods besides Home Acres**, or only those you do not want to see.


NextDoor Steps 1 - 3


Steps 1 – 3



**We have not found a bulk way to do this, if someone does please let us know!

Here is more information on neighborhood updates: https://help.nextdoor.com/customer/en/portal/topics/446880-your-neighborhood-feed/articles

Email Lindsay Connelly if you need help: [email protected]